My girls are super-excited about Monsters University coming on June 21! The 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures is a prequel to Monsters, Inc. It may be Mike & Sully's "job" to make us scream - but giggles & laughter always ensue and there's nothing frightening about this cuddly duo!
So, when it started raining today, we decided to create our very own monsters using materials we had around the house. The great thing about this project is that it truly is "no fail" - all you need is a bit of imagination, some art supplies, and an afternoon to create!
Monster Making Materials we Used
(Note: You may have more or less items on your list! Survey your art supplies and recycling bin for inspiration!)
Tip: This project could easily apply to creating aliens, imaginary friends, robots, etc.
- Empty cardboard boxes (cereal, mac 'n cheese boxes, etc. - simply raid the recycle bin!)
- Empty lemonade canister (also found in recycle bin)
- Empty egg cartons (notice a pattern?)
- Bright wrapping paper
- Scraps of fabric and fake fur from previous art projects
- Pipe Cleaners
- Pom Poms
- Googly Eyes
- Washi Tape
- Markers
- Feathers, flowers, and other misc. add-ons
- Cool Melt Hot Glue Gun (adult supervision required)
- Scissors
- Stickers
- Construction paper
How to Make a Monster
- Each child selected a body for the monster (box, empty plastic container)
- They then selected material to cover the body (fur, wrapping paper, washi tape)
- They selected eyes, mouth, hair, ears, arms, antennae, and other features
- The cutting, gluing, coloring, and creating began!
- Each child named their monster and took a photo with their creation!
To create this monster - we hot glued fake fur to the outside of an empty box. Cut holes for arms and stuck giant pipe cleaners through them. Hot glued pom poms, googly eyes, and feathers to create face. Applied washi tape for mouth. Hot glued egg carton / pipe cleaner antennae.
To create this monster: We gift wrapped an empty cereal box. Hot glued eyes, feathers, pom poms, pipe cleaner, flower, and egg carton features. Using scissors, created holes in side of the box for pipe cleaner hair and arms.
To create this monster: we decorated an empty lemonade cannister with washi tape. Hot glued felt hair, googly eyes, and pipe cleaner nose and mouth for decoration.