Branson at Christmas


Do you love holiday lights?  Our family sure does! With a chill in the air, we just returned from an amazing trip to Branson that kicked off our holiday season in Ozark style.

We can see easily why Silver Dollar City was voted one of the top five holiday events in the nation by Good Morning America. We celebrated the true meaning of the season amidst the glow of more than 4 million dazzling lights at this charming destination. The musical 5-story special effects Christmas tree twinkled and danced in unison with the more than 1 million lights adorning the city's square. We sipped their famous wassail as we watched the nightly “Gifts of Christmas” holiday light parade, showcasing colorful floats emblazoned with more than 100,000 lights.  New for the 2012 holiday season, It’s A Wonderful Life musical was a delightful interpretation of the inspirational story that is a worldwide Christmas favorite. Finally, rivaling any Broadway production, Silver Dollar City’s grandest production of A Dickens’ Christmas Carol absolutely wowed us, evoking an awestruck, “Bravo!”

No visit to Branson would be complete without seeing a show or visiting an exhibit. One of the most memorable highlights for us was the Kirby VanBurch Magic Show.  We were astonished at the disappearing acts, a helicopter appearing in 3 seconds flat, assistants cut in half and other never-before-seen illusions in this thrill-a-second production. Plan ahead, because after the show, guests can get a backstage cat tour to see where Kirby’s family of furry friends resides.

Next, the Sight & Sound Theatre is one of the newer venues in the Branson area, featuring epic shows that are brought to life through story, song and spectacular staging. Our family was mesmerized at the Joseph show with its innovative dream sequences, lavish Egyptian staging, colorful characters, live animals and memorable songs. This energy packed show will leave you laughing, crying and uplifted with the life-changing message of forgiveness.

Finally, our family always tries to find educational exhibits wherever we go, and the Titanic exhibit is one-of-a-kind and quite intriguing for young and old alike. As she arrives Thanksgiving weekend, the Titanic Fantasy Princess is this year’s beautiful addition to the annual Titanic Christmas Winter Wonderland, which features thousands of holiday lights, Edwardian-style decorations and costumed merry-makers.

Plan a visit to Branson through Dec. 30 and enjoy the cornucopia of holiday lights and shows with your family. Visit to make the most of your holiday trip to this great family destination.


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