Dreaming of a Peaceful Holiday


Dreaming of a Peaceful Holiday: 8 Ways to Achieve Holiday Peace

    Ah, childhood! Remember when you didn’t have to worry about being in three places at once during the holidays? The dilemma of where to go seemed to be so easily worked out by our parents and extended family. Now that we are grown-ups, by the time the New Year rolls around, most of us seem to have ended up totally frazzled from celebrating the holidays several times over with many sets of relatives. Adding your own kids to the mix can make the situation even more crazy, leaving children feeling like the rope in a game of human tug-of-war. Below are some quick fixes that will help you and your family be peacefully full of holiday cheer this year.

Combine family events.

Consider an Open House.

Attend the far-away celebrations every other year.

Negotiate annually.

Do a drop in.

Realize that Christmas can be celebrated on a day other than Dec. 25.

Just stay home.

Think of others less-fortunate.

Kerrie McLoughlin is the mom of five dreaming of sugar plums and stress-free holidays from her home in Overland Park.

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