A Charlie Brown Christmas at The Coterie

2022 Review


Jim Vaiknoras

Our family was overjoyed at the return of A Charlie Brown Christmas at The Coterie this holiday season! This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions in Kansas City. Watching the show with an audience full of delighted children and my own daughters always puts me in the Christmas spirit.

I love Charlie Brown. I love Snoopy. I love Linus, Schroeder, and Pigpen... one of my children is named Lucy (this had nothing to do with the Peanuts... but she delights in seeing a character with her name on stage). Our family includes a viewing of every Peanuts holiday special as part of our annual traditions.... like most American families. Every time the Coterie brings A Charlie Brown Christmas to the stage we are thrilled... and it seems much of Kansas City agrees. The show is ALMOST sold-out! If you want tickets, you need to snatch them up quickly.

For fans, like our family, who've nearly memorized the television classic, the stage performance has a special magic all its own.

With a brand new extremely talented cast, The Coterie once again hit it out of the park with creative sets and great costumes that felt as if they were lifted straight from the animated special and brought to life. The show is accompanied by a masterful live jazz trio featuring pianist Gary Adams, percussionist Sam Wisman, and bassist Jeff Harshbarger. The music includes special arrangements by Arther Whitelaw and Ruby Persson - including a fabulous rendition of Do You Hear What I Hear, and my personal favorite Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron. This musical performance is one of the all-time highlights of the show.

Jim Vaiknoras

The show opens with the Peanuts gang skating onto the stage. Our pal Charlie (played by Lucas Lowry) is teased by his friends as he often makes mistakes. Meanwhile, he laments the commercialism of Christmas, all the while, his best friend Snoopy (masterfully played to comedic perfection by Terrace Wyatt, Jr.) is celebrating the holiday with panache as he is determined to win the local decorating contest. The show brought laughs as Pigpen (played by Jen Benkert) scratches his head in contemplation and a cloud of dust fills the air, Snoopy dances and frolics about the stage, Schroeder (played by Cameron Mabie) plays dance music during play rehearsals, and Lucy (Weiyi Zhang) dispenses her own know-it-all brand of wisdom to the kids.

Jim Vaiknoras

Following the animated story's plot, Charlie is enlisted to direct the Christmas play and he meets challenges as the kids would rather dance and object to his direction. On a quest to find the true meaning of Christmas, he goes to a tree lot with Linus (played by Fisher Stewart) and adopts the most fragile tree there is. At first mocked, the kids come to appreciate what Charlie sees in the tree. And, Linus, reminds us all of what Christmas is truly all about.

Jim Vaiknoras

As Linus quoted the familiar passage of scripture, and Charlie adopted the poor little unlovable tree, our family was reminded of Christ and how we are all adopted by Him.

Jim Vaiknoras

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. ~ Luke 2: 8-14

Jim Vaiknoras

After the actors take their bows, the audience is treated to a beautiful performance of Do You Hear What I Hear?, followed by a fantastically fun-filled rendition of Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron - is a perfect finale to a truly fabulous show.

We're delighted that The Coterie has once again brought A Charlie Brown Christmas to the stage and we hope your family is able to enjoy the show as well.

Take advantage of these free "extras" being offered during the run of A Charlie Brown Christmas (with paid admission):

Tip: Read our ideas for Christmas Memories at Crown Center & Union Station to make MORE memories while you're there!

A Charlie Brown Christmas is showing at The Coterie thru Dec. 31. Call 816.474.6552 for reservations.

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

Jim Vaiknoras

J Robert Schraeder

Coterie Theatre

2450 Grand Blvd., Suite 144, Kansas City, Missouri View Map


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