Editor's Letter


When I was a child, my mom didn’t bake a lot, and she really didn’t make cookies or anything special during the holidays. But, my Grandma—now SHE was a baker. Every December I could always look forward to a batch of Grandma’s Swedish heirloom cookies delivered to us in an empty coffee tin. Cookies from Grandma always came in a coffee tin. I guess she was into recycling and reusing before her time. I digress, back to the important topic of cookies.

Each year my girls and I put aside at least one day to bake cookies. And each year we typically bake the same cookies. But this year I’d like to jazz up our routine with some new recipes. Rather than test and try new ones, I went to our talented group of local writers and asked them for their favorite cookie recipes. And as a gift to you all, I’m sharing them in this issue. Enjoy the recipes and if you have a must-try in your home, send it my way. I’d love to try it out.

This past fall, we ran our second Family Faves contest. With tons of entries and more than 60,000 votes (that’s a lot!), I’m happy to share this year’s winners with you. Check it out and see whether your favorite made the list.

Happy December and Happy Holidays, Kansas City!

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