Editor's Letter November 2013


When it comes to pets, people typically fall into one of two camps: pet people or no pet people. I stand firmly in the latter. My girls, however, would like it better if I were a pet person. They desperately want a dog. And I have promised them a dog (when they are older and move out of the house, then I will get them that dog). Luckily, we have many friends and family members who are pet people, so the girls can still get their dog fill. I know that pets are important members in many families and that they provide many benefits to their people. Wendy Connelly takes a look at several developmental benefits that pets can offer kids.

While a pet does not make my list of things I’m thankful for at Thanksgiving, I have so many other things that do make that list. The big things always come to mind: health, a home, a family and so much more. But sometimes it’s nice to appreciate the little things, as well. Louisburg mom Kate Meadows reflects on how we can better appreciate the little things in life. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and the little things, here’s my list on no particular day: I am thankful for my computer starting up without a glitch, my car full of gas, the dishwasher emptied (and not by me!), my favorite pencil having a sharp tip and hearing a beloved song on the radio. Just for today, take time to be thankful for all those little things we so often take for granted.

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