May Editor's Letter


It’s here! We’ve made it! It’s over, finished, finito! I’m, of course, referring to the end of the school year. And I couldn’t be more thrilled! My most favorite day of summer break is the very first one, because each one after that inches us closer and closer to that time in August that shall not be named. For terrific ideas on closing out the year with a bang, check out Kristina Light’s article.  The May calendar is always packed so full that it can make your head spin. To deal with the craziness, it may be a good idea to schedule a day to do nothing. Yep, I encourage you to put it on your calendar to make sure it happens. Melissa Bellach has some ideas on how to embrace doing nothing.


One of the things I like to do when I have a day of nothing planned is take a walk. I have my usual route but often like to mix it up and even head off the beaten path sometimes. I find walking clears my mind and helps me re-center myself. Sometimes kids come with me or sometimes I go by myself. If you enjoy walking, check out Allison Gibeson’s article for ideas to spruce up your walk.


I’m in the stage of parenting where I don’t know a whole lot. Don’t believe me? Ask my two teens. If you can relate, then I know you are also in the throes of parenting teens. I have to admit, when I was a teen I was also very sure that my mom really didn’t know much at all. And, as I matured, I learned how smart she really is. As we celebrate these special ladies in May, Olathe mom Lauren Greenlee looks at mom wisdom.

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