September Editor's Letter


Each month when we receive our copy of KC Parent, the first thing my girls do is open to my editor’s letter to see whether I mention them. It’s something of which I deliberately have to be aware, making sure they receive equal press time. After reading one of my recent letters (in which, for the record, neither girl was mentioned), my husband said, “I wonder if people think you aren’t married because you never mention me.” I reminded him that the reason I don’t often talk about him is because he doesn’t like when I talk or write about him. Naturally, he replied, “Well, maybe I just say I don’t like it.”

The September issue focuses on all things arts and enrichment. Let me say that while I was not blessed with any musical or artistic talents, my wonderful hubby not only is a gifted artist, but loves to play guitar as well. Many evenings our home is filled with music while he practices a new song he’s recently learned or works on a piece he’s written. Thankfully, our girls take after him and while neither will be the next Monet or a member of a band, they both can hold their own. The arts add so much to our lives and offer so many benefits to children. Check out some of those benefits.

Do you listen to Podcasts? We enjoy listening to them on car rides. Some of our faves include “Small Town Murder” and “How Did This Get Made?” Note, neither are suitable for young ears, but my husband and I enjoy listening to these together. There are so many great ones out there! Do you have a fave? If so, send me which one(s) you love. And, if you’re new to podcasts read our article for highlights and reviews of a wide variety of podcasts.

Enjoy the start of fall with your family, KC!

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