10 Things to Bring to the Hospital


Besides my preferences for the actual birth of my babies, I had an atmosphere I had envisioned as well. Music was important to keep me calm and to help me focus. It was also important to me to welcome our daughter with the music she had supposedly heard within the womb during pregnancy. Not to mention that I had to have Eric Clapton’s song “Layla” to play (our daughter’s name).

A list of 10 things to bring to the hospital will probably differ between mothers, but here are a few things to consider when packing for that momentous occasion.

Five things for you, Mommy-to-be:

Babies may be provided with diapers, wipes, little shirts, receiving blankets and more, depending on where you deliver, but here are some other things to consider:

A mother’s nesting instinct may cause her to overdo it in the packing arena, as Ashely Cornell, recent mother of two from Olathe, recalls. “I don't think I used half of what I brought to the hospital! But some of the items I was really glad I brought are ChapStick, facial cleansing wipes, my own shampoo/conditioner/body wash and super stretchy yoga pants.”

Trust your instinct, pack as much as you can ahead of time and remember that someone will be able to bring you whatever you have forgotten because of your pregnancy brain.

Stephanie Loux is a stay-at-home mom to Layla, 3, and Mason, 2, and writes from her home in Olathe.

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