Celebrating ONE!!

     Somewhere between June 2008 and June 2009, my sweet baby grew up into the active, curious, hungry blossoming toddler that she is today. I know she’s technically not quite a toddler, but referring to her as a baby does not seem to give her efforts and milestones justice. I know my husband and I did not give her permission to grow so fast, but she did anyway! So, we find ourselves on the brink of our baby turning (gasp!) ONE!

     Everything I’ve read and heard from wise moms is the same – keep things simple. That means you can cross off the moonwalks, trampolines, clowns, and pony rides for her birthday party. Nope - You’ll have to go somewhere to find those.

     In between the cupcakes and decorations, invitations and themes, capturing this first year is really what matters. We fondly have always called our little girl “Bean” because she’s just so little, and showing all the ways our Bean has sprouted is exactly what I want to do.

     I might put together a sort of storyboard of her for family and friends to see, depicting pictures, milestones, and memories from each month. Having some of A’s favorite foods for other people (and baby friends) to eat, along with favorite songs and books, will be just another glimpse into the preferences that are starting to form in her.

     My husband and I also plan to each write her a letter. Either at age 16 or 18 (still undecided), we will give her these letters for her to open and read. We intend for this letter to encourage her, remind her of how much we love her, and how much more she is loved by God. We will share how we have prayed for her all these years, and will continue to do so with each passing day.

     What about you? How have you celebrated birthdays with your kids? What have you done to make it special or meaningful?

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