Expecting Again? Taking Motherhood and Pregnancy in Stride


Pregnancy can be tiring. Pair this 9-month stretch with raising children, and motherhood can feel like a marathon (with kids clinging to your heels and a watermelon in tow). Consider the tips and tricks of resident Kansas City mothers-of-many, and let them coach you past the leg cramps, nausea and exhaustion of mothering while pregnant.


“Don't feel that you have to be supermom, doing everything for everyone all the time,” says Jessica Rubenking, Olathe mother of two. Challenge your kids to grow by teaching them new age-appropriate skills. Instead of doing for your kids what they can do themselves, train them to be self-reliant. You’ll both be better off for it.


Just do it:


Say “no” to things that aren’t priorities—you don’t have energy to squander. Many things in life are good, but focus your energy on what is best. Simplify your errands and free up your time.


Just do it:


“Interact while sitting and resting your body,” says Heather Andres, Olathe mother of two. “Play dates, library and backyards—I lived in places where my oldest could run and have fun while I rested in a chair.”


Just do it:


“A relaxed mom is a happy mom,” says Jessica Rubenking. “Rest when you can! Take time for yourself! Even if it’s only 30 minutes per day, take a nap, a warm bath or just sit and rest on the couch.”


“Don't be too proud to ask for help,” says Cathy Holtorf, Gardner parent educator and mother of three. “See if your husband, parents or friends can spend time with your child so you can take time out for a nap or alone time.”


Just do it:

“Be patient, budget your time and forget trivial issues—there’s always tomorrow,” advises Linda DeCarlo, a nurse practitioner with Kansas City Women’s Clinic. “In 10 years, you’re not going to remember whether the laundry was done or the floors were cleaned, but you will remember the mile markers with your family.” Take the rest in stride, and do what you can to finish well!


Wendy Connelly is a mother of two from Overland Park. She spent many afternoons at a zero-entry pool with big sister before baby brother arrived.

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