Map Out Your Pregnancy


The 40 weeks leading up to the arrival of your baby are filled with exciting milestones, as well as changes in your body, your family and your life. “At first, it didn’t feel real,” Kelly Gadett, Gladstone mom, says. “As the months passed, I suddenly looked back and realized my whole life looked different since I found out I was expecting!”

From cravings and swollen feet to morning sickness and crazy dreams, pregnancy brings its fair share of challenges. But there is no reason to navigate the next nine months on your own! Here is a breakdown of what to expect in your very own pregnancy road map.


Month One – Sick and Tired.

Oh joy! You are expecting! Now that you have shared the happy news, you may notice that your days are getting a bit shorter. This is likely because the first month of pregnancy brings on fatigue. Don’t be surprised if you are ready for bed by 6:00 in the evening. For many moms, this is also the point when morning sickness begins!


Month Two – What Smells?

As you enter month two, it’s all about the food. Craving pickles and ice cream? Feeling a midnight desire for French fries and donuts? This is all completely normal. In addition to your cravings, your sense of smell will become heightened. This can contribute to your cravings when you smell something delicious, but it also may add to any nausea you are feeling if you smell something less than appetizing.

Month Three – Feelings.

“I would go from laughing out loud to crying about 20 times a day,” says Jessica Franks, Overland Park mom. Month three brings on a surge of emotions of all kinds. Your body is going through a large boost in hormone levels, and as it adjusts, you may feel a bit shaky and unsure. If you need a break, you will have lots of opportunities for a little alone time. During month three, you will also notice an increase in the number of times you need to use the bathroom—day and night!


Month Four – Fashion for Mom.

Time to go shopping! You are now entering the second trimester and what is known as the “honeymoon” period of pregnancy. Likely, you have renewed energy and your morning sickness is a thing of the past. Also by month four, many women have a noticeable bump and are ready for maternity clothes. While putting on pants with an elastic waistband may seem like a fashion faux pas, veteran moms promise this is a moment you will enjoy. “Wearing maternity pants is wonderful. It is like you can finally relax and enjoy your clothing, rather than worrying about how everything is getting too tight!” says Kimberly Shane, Overland Park mom.


Month Five – Starving and Stuffed.

By month five, your growing baby is starting to take up prime real estate. “I felt so hungry, but I would get full in just minutes because there wasn’t much room for my stomach to stretch anymore,” says Megan Thomas, Kansas City, MO, mom.


Month Six – Heartburn.

Month six is the time to break out the Tums. Heartburn is common, and some women experience it all day long. If heartburn is excessive, talk to your doctor about what medications might help.


Month Seven – Up All Night.

Many moms say that month seven is when your body starts preparing you for life with Baby. In addition to being up many times at night to go to the bathroom, you may start having difficulty sleeping. Some moms report having wild dreams, while others say it is just being uncomfortable that makes sleep tricky. “The pregnancy pillow was a real savior for me,” says Courtney Winter, Kansas City, KS, mom. “I had so much on my mind and would just toss and turn. The pillow helped me get some much needed rest.”


Month Eight – Starving and Stuffed Part II.

Baby is almost ready to make an appearance! During the last two months, Baby is gaining weight and preparing for the outside world. This means you are gaining weight as well, and your appetite will be kicking into high gear. However, as baby grows, there will be less room for food in your stomach. Be ready to eat small meals often!


Month Nine – READY.

No matter how easy or blissful your pregnancy has been, there comes a point when you are ready for Baby to arrive. You want to meet your new addition and get on to the next phase of parenthood. If your pregnancy hasn’t been easy, you are ready for the discomfort, frequent bathroom trips and crazy cravings to be behind you. During the ninth month, many women experience some forms of early labor. This could be Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor. Be sure to talk to your OB/GYN if you have concerns or questions about determining when actual labor is starting!


Title: Moments Along the Way

While some parts of pregnancy most moms would be happy to skip over, other moments Metro moms wouldn’t trade for the world. Here are a list of their favorite moments by trimester!


First Trimester:


Second Trimester:


Third Trimester:

                  Melissa Bellach is a freelance writer, journalist and mom of two living in Overland Park.

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