Map Out Your Pregnancy


First Month

How You Change

You may feel lots of changes within you—or not, and that’s fine, too! This is typically the month most women find out they’re expecting. For some, a missed period and positive pregnancy test are the only symptoms they notice. Others may find themselves grappling with fatigue, bloating or cramping, nausea, food sensitivity, frequent urination or breast tenderness.

How Your Baby Changes

Your baby may be small  (0.1-0.2 millimeters!), but mighty changes are in store throughout this month. At this stage in development, Baby is known as a blastocyst. Within the first three weeks, the baby has all its genetic material, and its sex is already predetermined.

Second Month

How You Change

Your body may continue to feel initial pregnancy symptoms to a stronger degree this month, meaning not only do some foods make your stomach turn, but now certain smells may cause the same effect. Don’t be surprised if heartburn and constipation are a new part of your daily routine either.

How Your Baby Changes

From blastocyst to zygote, your baby now looks more and more like a tiny human being. At just under an inch, your little one already has a beating heart and a developing brain, as well as arms, legs and limbs.

Third Month

How You Change

Your first trimester is coming to an end, and your body is adjusting to raging hormone levels. More than likely, you won’t feel any flutters within you yet, but make no mistake: Your baby is doing his share of moving about! Miscarriage rates drop considerably by this point.

How Your Baby Changes

Your baby is now between 2 and 4 inches long. He has all his own organs, and fingernails are sprouting out of the very agile hands your little one is now waving wildly within you. Even more exciting, you will be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat this month.

Fourth Month

How You Change

As morning sickness fades, you may feel like your old self—but you won’t look it. This is typically the month first-time moms begin to show, requiring a new wardrobe to adapt to the changes that are in store for months to come. Expect to feel the first flutters of baby kicks, also described as feeling like “bubbles” or “butterflies.”

How Baby Changes

Your baby is now half a foot long and weighs approximately 4 ounces. Your little one’s lungs are still developing, but Baby’s face and heart are fully formed, and his eyes will be moving underneath his lids. It’s during this month that a baby will feel the urge to suck.

Fifth Month

How You Change

You’re now showing and glowing! You may enjoy the infamous second trimester energy boost or endure some new symptoms, like a belly button that’s popped out, swollen feet, lower back pain caused by an ever-changing center of gravity, forgetfulness commonly known as pregnancy brain, or difficulty sleeping. If you haven’t already, begin sleeping on your left side to let your heart rest easy.

How Baby Changes

Your baby now has fingerprints and permanent teeth buds and is establishing regular sleeping and waking patterns. Baby is now completely covered in a mix of vernix, a greasy lubricant that protects a little one’s skin inside the amniotic sac, and lanugo, silky fine hairs that keep the vernix in place.

Sixth Month

How You Change

The end of the second trimester is near! Your uterus is now above your belly button and the size of a basketball. It’s not uncommon to experience dry, itchy skin on your abdomen because of growth.

How Baby Changes

Baby is now a whopping 1-2 pounds and 9-10 inches long. He responds to loud noises, bright lights and has fully functional vocal cords that will be put to the test after he’s born. Baby’s eyes now open and close, and he even has eyebrows!

Seventh Month

How You Change

You’re entering the home stretch: the third trimester! With Baby growing left and right, your body accommodates in every way it can, meaning you’ll likely deal with swollen hands and feet. Your joints will also begin to loosen up to prepare for Baby’s arrival. Sciatica, pelvic pain and Braxton Hicks contractions can be par for the course.

How Baby Changes

Baby is getting ready for his impending arrival by packing on weight in an effort to build fat under his skin. Development of his five senses is well underway, while his brain and nervous system continue to make new connections daily.

Eighth Month

How You Change

Pregnancy was wonderfully new and exciting during the first two trimesters, but by now, it may feel old hat. Expect to pack on a pound a week until Baby arrives. It’s not uncommon to feel shortness of breath from your growing uterus pushing your stomach up into your lungs, as well as increased fatigue and ongoing Braxton Hicks contractions. Other symptoms may include varicose veins, hemorrhoids and leg cramps.

How Baby Changes

Baby is plumping up. He’ll lose the lanugo that covered his body in the womb but will continue to grow hair on the top of his head. Underneath that head of hair even more important changes are taking place: His brain is learning to regulate body temperature.

Ninth Month

How You Change

You’ve put in the hard work and now comes the hard part—waiting until Baby is ready to come into the world! You may find yourself breathing easier, both literally and figuratively. After all, your body has done a fabulous job housing your precious little one to full term. But Baby is now settling into your pelvis for delivery, giving your lungs space to breathe deeply once again!

How Baby Changes

Baby’s lungs will mature straight up until birth, while his brain is making increasing connections. He will continue to put on as much as half a pound each week until he’s born.

Lauren Greenlee is a freelance writer and mom of three hailing from Olathe.

As always, please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns.

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