
Mother’s Day is the perfect time to recognize those moms in your life that you just couldn’t live without: your Momtourage! Motherhood can be a tricky path to navigate, but thankfully we can lean on the other moms in our lives to make it through. Here are some of the mom friends we couldn’t live without! Do you recognize anyone from your Momtourage?


Chic Mom:

You’ll never catch her in yoga pants and a t-shirt! She’s dressed to the nines, even at the park. She rocks the latest designer diaper bag and of course her stroller is top of the line. Call her in a pinch when you have nothing to wear on date night with your husband.


Martini Mom:

She’s an awesome mom by day and life of the party at night! Next time you need a break from the mom routine, meet her at the Plaza for some cocktails and a laugh.


Madam President Mom: President of the PTA, chair for every fundraiser, on the board of three local organizations and raising two kids at the same time. This is one busy lady! You are lucky if you ever see her, but when you do…stand in awe of how much this mama can accomplish.


Granola Mom:

She’s all natural and totally earthy. All food is organic and the clothing is 100% cotton. She spearheads the recycling program at preschool and knows all about which household cleaners are safe for your little ones. We could all stand to learn our 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) from her!


Crafty Mom:

That new dress her daughter is wearing? She made it. And have you seen her scrapbooks? One each year for each kid, all meticulous and adorable! There is nothing she can’t make with her own two hands. She bakes and frosts birthday cakes and sends out handmade cards for every occasion. This is the mom to call when you need creative juices.


Super Mom:

We all know her. The mom who can seemingly do it all…she can mix up a batch of organic baby food with one hand while holding her perfectly dressed baby in the other and teaching her toddler the alphabet at the same time. Sometimes you wonder why you are even friends with her because come on, who is THAT perfect? But in addition to being a perfect mom, she’s a great friend and she inspires you to be the best mom you can be!


Chill Mom:

Even with chaos all around, this mama keeps a cool head. She never raises her voice or gets upset with her kids and never seems to worry about all of the things that keep the rest of us up at night. She’s not concerned about milestones or parent-teacher conferences and doesn’t bat an eye at grass stains on the new pants. Not sure how she does it, but we can all take a lesson from her relaxed attitude!


Sara Keenan lives in Brookside with her family and could not live without the wonderful moms in her Momtourage!!

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