Our Pregnancy Stories

In honor of our new look and focus, we thought it would be fun to take a look at pregnancy 11 years ago and pregnancy today. While so much has changed, the end result has stayed the same. See if you can relate to the moms below.

My Pregnancy Story-Then

Margaret Sarver

My pregnancy was by the book (and when I say book, I’m referring to What to Expect When You’re Expecting). That book was my trusted friend for nine months, and I referred to it often to find out what might be coming or whether something I was experiencing was normal. I also had a copy of Your Pregnancy, Week by Week on my nightstand that I read daily.

At 20 weeks, I had an ultrasound at the doctor’s office (I did want to know the baby’s gender. My husband and I had a name issue that we had to solve, and the baby’s gender was a major factor in that discussion). That was the only ultrasound we had; 3D imaging wasn’t as readily available or considered as safe as it is today. I kind of wish it had been—it would have been fun to see my girls in more detail in the womb.

As my due date grew close, the hospital gave us a pager for my husband to carry with him. That way I would be able to contact him if I went into labor when he wasn’t around. And, back in the day, we weren’t used to carrying around devices like a pager, so I was none too happy when he lost it on the golf course. Luckily, we found it and didn’t end up needing it. I went into labor at 10:00 at night while he was home.

Once home with baby, I had her sleep from day one in her crib. I had a lot of fun choosing bedding for the crib and settled on a star design. In her crib I had a bumper and mobile, along with cute sheets with tiny pastel stars.

As I’ve reminisced on my pregnancy “back then,” I find it amazing to see how many things have changed in the past 11 years!

My Pregnancy-Now

Jenny Chiles

Half-way point—20 weeks down and 20 to go! Other than being tired and hungry (all the time!) things are going well. I couldn’t live without the My Pregnancy Today app from Baby Center. It gives me updates and advice every day, and I love the nutrition guide that helps me to eat healthy. Along with the app, I love all the pregnant mom blogs I follow-it’s so helpful to know that other people are going through the same things I am.

I just had an ultrasound at the doctor’s office and am excited to learn that we’re having a boy! I can’t wait to see my little man closer up when we have the 3D ultrasound in a few weeks. I heard that you can get the best photos around 28 weeks, so we’re waiting until then.

Now that I know Baby’s gender, I can get to work on the nursery. I saw some darling ideas on Pinterest for the walls and am hoping to find sheets that will match. No bumper pad or mobiles in our crib; it’s best for baby to not have anything extra in the crib.

Even though this is my first pregnancy, I’m glad to be going through it during this time with so much info readily available to me at my fingertips. I look forward to meeting my little guy in the near future!

Pregnancy Then and Now

2002 Top Baby Names

Girls' Names

Boys' Names

2012 Top Baby Names

Girls' Names

Boys' Names

Car Seats

2002: Children should face the rear of the vehicle until they are at least 1 year of age and weigh at least 20 pounds.

2012: All infants and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing car safety seat (CSS) until they are 2 years of age or until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by the manufacturer of their CSS. AAP


2002: Drop side cribs readily available and found in many nurseries. 

2012: Beginning in 2011, new rules, which apply to full-size and non full-size cribs, prohibit the manufacture or sale of traditional drop-side rail cribs

Did you know? All hotels and daycares had to get rid of drop side cribs by 12-28-12. CPSC.

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