
Everyone loves a good baby shower! A properly executed party will leave the honorary mom-to-be feeling touched by every personal detail, and guests will appreciate your creative approach. There is no shortage of planning tips and ideas in the expanse of social media, so where does one begin?

Look no further than your smartphone or tablet! Party planning became much more accessible to everyone when Pinterest burst onto the scene. The Pinterest app that quickly followed (free for Apple and Android devices) has made it more convenient than ever to share ideas and find easy, affordable party tips that leave a lasting impression. Here are a few ways Pinterest can help you plan the perfect baby shower for your friend or loved one, whether at home or on-the-go:

Categorize Your Boards:

Organize your boards so that you have a special place to store ideas you love for every aspect of the party. Having the app installed on your smartphone or tablet ensures that you can capture every idea that pops into your mind and pin it on its designated board wherever you are. (Tip: Limit public view of your boards in “settings” to keep the party a surprise.)

Board suggestions:

Start with a General Search:

Once you’re logged in and your boards are set up, launch your search with some broad terms to get the creativity flowing, such as “baby shower” or “spring baby shower.” Once you find pins that you like, narrow your search terms to find more specific pins, such as “tea party baby shower.”

Snag Inspiration: If you notice that several of the pins you love on your homepage originate from the same pinner, dig a bit deeper by visiting that person’s profile and checking out her full baby shower boards. You might just discover an entire theme that is perfectly suited to your party needs!

With these simple Pinterest tips, your baby shower boards will be full of whimsical ideas before you know it. Happy pinning!   

Overland Park mom Brenda Hill is the public relations manager for the  Kansas/Missouri region of Verizon Wireless.

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