Surviving the Waiting Room

     Like most pregnant women, I spent quite a bit of time in the waiting room. I remember feeling a bit annoyed, but trying to be understanding as the minutes ticked by as I waited for my appointment which never started on time. As the saying goes, “if I'd only known then what I know now,” well, I sure would have enjoyed that waiting time a bit more.

     Fast forward five years later and I still find myself in various waiting rooms. However, I'm rarely alone in the waiting room. Instead I've got one or all three of my children enjoying the wait with me. By enjoying, I mean making an attempt at acting civilized while asking me countless times if it is time to leave. Just the thought of time in the waiting room with my children is enough to make me a bit stressed. 

      That is why I found myself getting a bit nervous on a recent afternoon. My youngest daughter's eighteen month well-child appointment was coming up soon. I began preparing by thinking of all the things I would be sure to cram into my oversized purse. Stickers, crayons, paper, small toys, and on and on the list went. I've learned quite a few tricks for surviving the waiting room in my nearly five years as a mom. Yet, the best one is to never give up on finding childcare for the children who don't need to see the doctor.

    Shortly after dinner, I called a good friend and was relieved to find out that she could come to my house with her two children and watch my older two children. I was quite relieved.

    Yes, my children need to learn how to behave and be patient while we wait. In fact, they usually do just fine. Still, if I can manage to take just the child who needs to see the doctors, you better believe I'll do it! It not only gives me time to focus on the needs of that child, but it also allows a fun time of play for my other children.

     Still, I know I won't always be so fortunate in finding someone to watch my children. So, I'd love to hear about what you do to help your children be patient in the waiting room or any other place they need to be still and quiet. What are your best mommy tricks?







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