What's Safe During Pregnancy


Q: I just found out I am six weeks pregnant, and I am terribly concerned. In the past six weeks I have highlighted my hair, painted our living room, gone to the dentist, and had my nails done. Are all of these activities safe for my baby?

A: Congratulations on being pregnant! Staying healthy during pregnancy is critical for both you and your baby. Assuming you used latex paint in your living room and you simply had a routine dental visit, you are probably just fine -- but certainly you can contact your doctor if you have questions. Here are some guidelines to follow to stay healthy while pregnant:

Alcohol: Whatever goes into your body affects your baby. Avoid alcohol while you’re pregnant. Babies impacted by fetal alcohol syndrome have mental and physical problems, including slow growth and development, small heads, abnormal eye features, and mental retardation.

Coloring Hair/Permanents: It is safe to color and perm your hair, but keep in mind that hair sometimes responds differently during pregnancy.

Dental Care: Caring for your teeth during pregnancy is very important, and routine dental examinations and treatment is encouraged. Due to hormonal changes, you are more susceptible to cavities, bleeding gums, and gum infections. Tell your dentist that you are pregnant. Local anesthesia injections are safe, but avoid general anesthesia/nitrous oxide. Use a lead apron if x-rays are absolutely necessary.

Exercise: If your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you are in good health, exercise is fine. Common sense should guide you. When an activity is associated with significant discomfort, it should be discontinued. Your heart rate should remain below 140 beats per minute. If you are not used to exercise, increase your level gradually.

Hot tubs/Saunas/Whirlpools: Please avoid these due to risk of overheating. However, warm baths are safe during pregnancy. Swimming is fine, and may be helpful for sore muscles or back pain. Use sunscreen.

Nails: You may paint your nails or have them done professionally.

Painting/Cleaning: We recommend that you use only latex paint and that you avoid paint strippers. Keep the area well ventilated where you are cleaning or painting.

Smoking: Please DO NOT smoke during pregnancy. Tobacco smoke is a major source of carbon monoxide which can interfere with the oxygen supply to your baby. Your baby will have twice the level of carbon monoxide that you have. Smoking increases the risk of premature delivery, stillborn infants, and miscarriages. Smoking even results in a ten times increased risk for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Toxoplasmosis: You should avoid cleaning cat litter boxes and eating undercooked meat due to the risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis which is a potentially harmful infection.

Travel: Travel during pregnancy is not considered harmful for a normal pregnancy, but long, tiresome trips should be avoided. It is recommended that you do not fly after 34 weeks of pregnancy. When you travel by car, wear your seatbelt low over your hips. Stay within an hour of the hospital during your last month.

Adapted from “Welcome to Pregnancy” by the physicians at Independence Women’s Clinic. Committed to providing the highest quality of women’s health care, Independence Women’s Clinic is devoted to helping women of all ages.

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