Your Pregnancy To-Do List


I love that initial rush of excitement when you get that big, fat, positive test—we’re having a baby! Pretty shortly after, I then get hit with all the things I have to do to get ready for Baby.  It can overwhelm a new mom so much, especially while navigating those pesky pregnancy symptoms.

Here’s a breakdown of things to take care of during each trimester. I am a mom currently expecting baby number two, so I’ve been there before, but I’m also living it right now. Use this checklist to help you stay on track and feel prepared for when that sweet little baby joins your family!

Trimester 1:

Trimester 2:

Trimester 3:

Areas to Organize:

Although every last piece of nursery wall décor doesn’t have to be up before Baby comes, there are some key areas you will want to have organized:

Emily Cline lives in Lenexa with her husband, 4-year-old son and new baby girl.  She is an instructor of education at a local university and blogs about motherhood at

As always, please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns.

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