A Peak at Then and Now

In honor of KC Parent’s 35th anniversary, we take a look at trends in 1985 and in 2020.

Top Boy Names of 1985

  1. Michael
  2. Christopher
  3. Matthew
  4. Joshua
  5. Daniel

Top Girl Names of 1985

  1. Jessica
  2. Ashley
  3. Jennifer
  4. Amanda
  5. Sarah

Top Boy Names of 2020

  1. Liam
  2. Noah
  3. William
  4. James
  5. Oliver

Top Girl Names of 2020

  1. Emma
  2. Olivia
  3. Ava
  4. Isabella
  5. Sophia

Top Toys of 1985

  1. Cabbage Patch Kids
  2. Transformers
  3. Pillow People
  4. Pogo People
  5. Skateboard

Top Toys of 2020

  1. Blume Dolls
  2. Baby Yoda Plush
  3. LOL Surprise
  4. Lego Trolls World Tour Pop Village Celebration
  5. Baby Shark Fingerlings

Cost of a gallon of milk

1985- $1.98         2020- $3.52

Homes with Computers

1985- 8%             2020- 89%

KC Metro Population

1985- 1.43 million            2020- 2.34 million

Cost of Raising a Child to 18

1985- $85,926    2020- $233,610


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