Ask Ashley: Great Plains SPCA

Great Plains SPCA animal expert answers your pet questions


Animal expert, Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA, is the Director of Animal Behavior & Training at Great Plains SPCA. Ashley has more than 16 years of experience in animal training and behavior.

I adopted a kitten recently and a friend of mine told me that cats love catnip, but my cat does not seem to really like it. First, is catnip okay for cats? And second, is there anything else like catnip that my cat might like? I want to make sure she has something organic or plant-like to play with. – Brielle Chavez

You probably will not know if your kitten will enjoy catnip until they are between three to six months of age. Many kittens do not have a response to it until they are a little older. Many cats enjoy catnip and it can cause euphoric side effects for them, but it usually only lasts about 10 minutes. Some cats become very calm, while others may participate in aggressive playfulness. Catnip is non-addictive and safe to eat. Some cats enjoy catnip so much that their owners will use it for training commands and tricks. You may want to try cat grass, also known as wheat grass, for your kitten. This is a grass you can grow quickly in your window and most cats love to chew and play with it. – Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA

My husband and I are constantly arguing about what our dog can or cannot have for table scraps. I am worried that my dog will beg for food at the table and I do not want that. However, my husband wants to feed him leftovers frequently. Does human food cause dogs to beg? – Martha Jensen

Human food does not cause dogs to beg but feeding a dog at every meal can certainly create begging behaviors. I recommend having the dog go to their “place” or “bed” while you eat to avoid them staring and guilting you for food. You can even put your pet in another room during mealtimes if it is too tempting for you at the table. Some owners give leftover food to the pet after the meal to avoid begging. Many vets say that it is okay to give them a little left-over food here and there, but moderation is key for their health. Just a reminder to avoid dangerous, overly fatty, or sugary foods.  – Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA

We adopted a dog from your shelter in November and he really enjoys daily walks, but recently it has been too hot for us to take him, so we are assuming it is also too hot for him. What are some alternative exercises we can do for him in the sweltering summer months? – Bernard and Rosella Lampton

Thank you so much for adopting! We use water during our play for the animals at the shelter during the heat. Get a kiddie pool and put some dog toys in there for him play with. They also have some fun water toys for dogs such as doggy fountains and doggy sprinklers that many dogs enjoy. You can also give your dog plenty of cool treats like ice cubes to help cool them down. Some other tips that we practice are playing in the morning or evening and avoiding the middle of the day. Make sure your dog has access to plenty of cold water and keep your dog off of hot roads and sidewalks in the summer to avoid burning his paws. I hope you have a fun and cool summer! – Ashley Flores, CPDT-KA

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Great Plains SPCA is an independent 501(c)(3) no-kill shelter serving approximately 6,000 animals annually in the Johnson County community. As Kansas City’s premium family shelter, we continue to support the seven municipalities with which we are contracted including Overland Park, Leawood, Lenexa, Shawnee, Lake Quivira, and Johnson County Parks and Recreation and unincorporated Johnson County.

Great Plains SPCA

5424 Antioch Drive Merriam, KS 66202

(913) 831-7722(SPCA)

Great Plains SPCA

5424 Antioch Drive, Merriam, Kansas 66202 View Map


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Tues - Fri 12:00 - 7:00; Sat and Sun 11:00 - 6:00

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