December Editor's Letter


I knew there would be a lot of things to teach our girls. From potty training to how to hold a pencil to tying shoes, the list was long but expected. Many unexpected lessons, however, have popped up that I wasn’t prepared to teach them. One of those things was taking medicine. I don’t remember being taught any technique as a child, so it wasn’t on my radar that I’d one day have to teach them how to swallow a pill. But there we were, all those years ago, doing just that. I had them practice with candy, and they eventually got the hang of it. Funny side note … both girls take a drink of water first and then put the pill in their mouth. I do it the opposite way, pill in mouth, then take a drink. Somehow I taught them the opposite of what I do. Here at KC Parent, we’re here to help you with many different aspects of parenting, and in this issue, we’ve got a great article to aid you in teaching your kiddos to take medicine.

Ready or not, December is here and Christmas is coming! There is so much to do to prepare for the season, and Kansas City has a plethora of events to mark the occasion. Just thinking about all you have to accomplish in December may make your head spin, but I hope you are able to take some time—maybe even just an hour or two—to relax and enjoy one of the fun Christmas events. Some Sarver family faves include touring light displays and visiting Union Station and Crown Center. We also take a day each year to bake cookies. Enjoy old traditions or start a new one this year.

Wishing you the merriest of Christmases, Kansas City!

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