February Editor's Letter


I’m a reader, but it goes in spurts. Sometimes I’ll read book after book, and then sometimes a month or two will pass and I won’t have read anything. How much I read typically depends on how busy I am. But, to me, a book is a great way to relax, so I try to make time to fit it in. The best way I’ve found to sneak in at least a few minutes of reading each day is to bring my book with me when I’m driving carpool or chauffeuring kids from one place to another. I find I can usually get a solid 10-15 minutes of reading this way (and it keeps me off my phone!). Most of my books come from the library—I love that I can go online and place a book on hold and then stop by to pick it up. Bonus, my local library recently opened a drive-thru and it’s honestly the best thing ever. In this issue, you’ll find some great tips on ways to fit reading into your busy schedule, along with a great piece on libraries and all they have to offer!

Although high school graduation for my older is in the very near future, it feels like I was looking at preschools not so long ago! My girls each attended one year of preschool before kindergarten, and I spent a lot of time researching options. Looking for the best preschool for your child can feel a bit overwhelming. KC has many great choices out there, and we’re here to help! Local mom Regan Lyons has put together some great tips on what to look for when choosing a preschool.

This is a leap year, so you have an extra day this February! To make the most of leap day, check our calendar, both in print and online at KCParent.com, for fun ways to spend your bonus day! Happy Valentine’s Day, Kansas City!

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