May Editor's Letter


Each month when I write this letter, I address it to parents because, well, this is a parenting magazine. Although we have some readers each month that aren’t parents, most of us are in the throes of raising kid. For this month’s letter, however, I’d like to address a group I typically don’t write to.

Dear Class of 2020,

This stinks, and I’m so sorry for you. Because I have a senior, I know a lot of 2020 grads, and so many of you are near and dear to my heart. I’ve read a lot of things out there that offer a lot of advice, but I’m not going to tell you how to feel, because however you are feeling, it’s okay. And if you don’t want to make the best of this situation right now and see this as an opportunity for growth, it’s okay. And if you’d rather not think about it at all for the time being, that’s okay. But here’s what not to do: Don’t keep it inside. Please share with a friend, trusted adult, relative, teacher, etc. etc. You all are a social group. Reach out when you need to—you have a lot of people ready and willing to offer any support you need.

My dad was a pretty smart guy. (I didn’t feel that way for a long time, but to borrow from Mark Twain, the older I got, the smarter he got.) In any situation, Dad would say to me, “This, too, shall pass.” It’s so true; it will pass. That doesn’t mean the going through is easy, but it will pass and, believe it or not, one day be a distant memory.

Here’s one piece of advice I will give: Hug your mamas. They are sad and wish more than anything they could sit in the stands, hear your name being called and watch you walk across a stage and receive a diploma. You’ve worked so hard to get here, and they’ve been cheering you on since day one.

Best of luck to you, Class of 2020!

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