November Editor's Letter


Happy November! Seems like this year is just flying by! As we do each year when November rolls around, we focus on giving thanks and being grateful. Of course, we should focus on that all year long, but in November, with the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s hot on our radar. Typically, we think of the “bigger” things we have to be thankful for: family, a home, good health, food on the table. Throughout this year, though, I’ve been trying to be thankful not only for those things, but for the smaller things as well. For instance, I’m thankful that my internet works and that my car starts. I’m thankful for a dishwasher full of dirty dishes, because that means I’ve had people to cook for today. I’m thankful for warm and fuzzy sweatshirts on a cold day and for a hot cup of coffee to start my day. What are you thankful for this year? Check out our Thanksgiving Guide for ways to celebrate the holiday.

During the holiday season it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, but it’s important to remember to take time to slow down and enjoy the season. Because time is scarce during November and December, local mom Lauren Greenlee shares 15 ways to refresh in 15 minutes or less. One of my faves in her article that I do routinely is to utilize the library holds. I almost always have three to four books on hold at any given time. It helps me remember books I want to read (as soon as I’m given a suggestion, I go online and place the book on hold) and keeps me reading throughout the year. Head here for some more great ideas and make it a priority to take time for yourself during this busy season!

Happy Thanksgiving, Kansas City!

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