5 Back to School Items for Moms


If you’re like most moms, you’ve likely spent the last few weeks fighting the crowds in the school supply aisle, registering your kids for a new academic year and getting them back into a routine. Now that classes are in full swing again, it’s time for you to get your own back-to-school items.

Huh? Moms don’t need back-to-school items, you’re probably thinking. Okay, maybe we don’t exactly need them, but they’re fun, inexpensive ways to treat ourselves. Here are a few ideas.

Book Bag

Kiddos carry lots of stuff in their backpacks—from books and homework to snacks and projects. Moms use a purse or a bag to tote around daily needs. And when was the last time you bought yourself a new bag? You certainly don’t need to spend big bucks on a fancy bag; some of my cutest purses have come from the clearance rack. It’s a good feeling to organize your things in a fresh, new home—and leave behind the crumbs that tend to accumulate at the bottom of mom purses!

Required Reading

Nope, you don’t need to tackle Shakespeare or Jane Austen—unless you want to. Head to the bookstore and browse the shelves for something that interests you, preferably something that doesn’t come from the children’s section. Maybe Us Weekly or People magazine is your thing, or perhaps you’re into thrillers or romance novels. Your brain will thank you for letting it escape to another world for awhile.

Class Schedule

Math? Geography? World History? Leave those subjects to the kids and make your own class schedule. Now’s the time to enroll in a personal enrichment class. Many local colleges, and even some high schools, offer non-credit classes such as photography, writing and art. These classes are a fun way to learn more about a subject that intrigues you, and to connect with other adults who have the same interests.


The kids either eat a school lunch or bring a lunch from home, right? You’re likely in a lunch rut too, so change it up once in a while. Rather than munching a sack lunch at work, nuking leftovers at home or buzzing through a drive-thru, schedule a lunch out with a girlfriend. Try a new place you’re never been to and spend an hour catching up on each other’s lives, sans kiddos.


Beginning in middle school, kids generally have lockers to stash their books and papers in. By the end of the school year, the lockers are often overflowing and messy. Remind you of your closet or desk at home? Now’s the time to get organized. You don’t need to go all out and purchase a complete closet organization system; simply pick up a few inexpensive plastic tubs or trays at the dollar store. Spending even a few minutes clearing away clutter will do wonders for your stress level. The best part? When you’re done, you’ll have room for that cute new bag you bought.

Tisha Foley lives in Belton with her husband and two kids. After writing this article, she’s ready browse the bookstore, coffee in hand and cute new bag on her shoulder.

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