Back to School with a Bang


Celebrate heading back to school with a custom parent-child outing personalizing the day specifically around your child’s favorite things and interests.

Best Back-to-School Photos…When I Grow Up

Create an album for your child capturing not just the smiles of baby teeth, missing teeth, braces and grown-up pearly whites—capture who they are! Take a photo of your child against a backdrop with the child on the far right of the backdrop (a sheet or solid wall is ideal). Then, using your favorite photo editing software, add text to the left of the image answering basic questions about your child: name, age, favorite color, favorite hobby, what they want to be when they grow up, favorite pet, nickname, favorite school subject, etc. Do this again next year, and the next, until they graduate. You’ll both treasure being able to see the changes.

Grab a Bite During Back-to-School Shopping…Just You and Me

Moms often find the task of school shopping a daunting chore, but it can be a great chance for one-on-one time with your child. Schedule dates with each child individually and go to lunch, buy that special outfit, get a new haircut and do something fun. Start the conversation now and keep it going all school year long with ongoing ice cream dates. To make the date extra special, select a special restaurant for lunch—one with a special treat!

Before the First Day for Elementary

Ask your child what he’d love to be when he grows up and plan a special back-to-school outing around the theme. Click “Going Places” on for inspiration. A few ideas include:


Before the First Day for Tweens & Teens

Making the most of your time with your children is important. Teens and tweens often spend more time with peers than parents, but keeping communication open is essential, and having fun together is the best way to do just that! Heading back to school can be exciting, but also a bit stressful. Take time to relax with some fun.

Kristina Light’s eldest daughter dreams of being a lepidopterist (Butterfly scientist), so the annual Festival of Butterflies at Powell Gardens is on their back-to-school priority list.


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