Made With Love and Worn With Pride

I had less than half an hour to shower, dress, get the kids ready, and get to church on time. A quick look in my closet told me one of my favorite tank tops was hanging up and ready to wear. One of my favorite necklaces was nearby and worked perfectly with the tank.

As I rushed about getting ready, my oldest daughter came to give me a necklace she’d made for me. Four beads were strung on a piece of elastic string. One had a heart on it and the other three spelled out “MOM.” I told her thank you and quickly asked her to put it on my bathroom counter so I could finish getting ready.

Okay, now here’s the part where I could tell you that I was so honored she’d made the necklace for me, that I slipped it on right away. However, that would be a lie. The truth is I secretly wished she would forget about it until after we got home. Then, I would dutifully wear it around the house all afternoon. I feel a bit guilty about writing that, but it’s the truth. It’s also not what happened.

Five minutes before I was ready to walk out the door, my daughter came into my room again and picked up the necklace. She enthusiastically pointed out that she had made the necklace with elastic string so that it would fit over my head. I had a choice to make.

If you’re a parent, you know exactly what I did. I wore my new necklace with pride. It looked great layered with the necklace I’d already decided to wear. Well, maybe it didn’t look too fashionable, at least not to the over 13 crowd. Yet, I’m fairly certain that a certain 6 year old thought I’d never looked better. I’m pretty sure I made the right choice.

Have you worn something your child made with love?


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