Take me Out to the Ballgame

My husband and I always look forward to a night out together. It can be as simple as going to a coffee shop, or as special as eating out at one of our favorite restaurants; it’s really just nice for us to get some time together without A. Friday night was one of those nights, and we were given tickets by my in-laws to attend the Royals game.

To say that my husband is a fan of the Royals is an understatement. I’m a little more of a bandwagon fan probably (though I really just want to see them do well….consistently). Not my husband. He roots for the Royals in losing seasons and winning seasons. He knows the stats on the players, he reads the articles, he knows all about the improvements made to Kauffman stadium, and he just loves being at the K.

Well, it’s probably fair to say that I did not love being at the K on Friday night. The game was supposed to start at 7:10, but the rain, thunder, and lightning decided to postpone it until 9:40. Zack Greinke had just a mediocre night for being an excellent pitcher. We only stayed to the top of the 6th because it was already 11:45pm and we were both getting tired.

But, there were definitely perks of the night. For starters, it was Buck Night! Does it get any better than this? That meant dollar Pepsis, dollar peanuts, and dollar hot dogs all night long! It was also Fireworks Friday, but we didn’t end up staying to watch them (I believe it was around 12:45am when the show started). However, we did get to see fireworks whenever there was a homerun and during the Star Spangled Banner.

Kauffman Stadium is a great place to take family, and despite the rain delay, we still had a great time. Tickets are affordable, entertainment is family oriented, and there is always something going on. Between the Upper Deck Matching game, Ball Park Feud, Hot Dog and John Deere Races, not to mention the fan interviews, seat upgrades and singing with Garth, this is a great place for a night out….even if it doesn’t start until 9:40.

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