The Do’s and Don’t’s of Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling


Transitioning your child to becoming an older sibling is both exciting and challenging. Adding another child to the family provides your older one with a lifelong friend and playmate, but the soon-to-be big sibling may feel reluctant to share the turf. Parents can take some positive steps to make the transition easier for everyone.

During Pregnancy

What to expect: Your child may anticipate that a change is coming as she watches you prepare the nursery and get things in order. She may start to act up because she doesn’t fully understand what is going on and the idea of a new baby seems abstract.

Do’s and Don’ts

At the hospital

What to expect: When your child visits you at the hospital, expect him to be off his routine and possibly out of sorts. Your child may feel scared because he sees Mom in bed and may worry you are sick. Some kids will seem aloof, worried, or act up because they are unsure of their surroundings. Your youngster also may feel nervous about meeting the baby everyone is excited about.

Do’s and Don’ts

At home

What to expect: It is normal for your child to feel left out and jealous. Your child may go out of her way to get extra attention—in both a positive and negative way. It’s normal for your child to have a variety of emotions as she adjusts: excitement, joy and pride, but also sadness, frustration and jealousy. Adjusting to a new family member takes time.

Do’s and Don’ts

            Adding another child to the family is a huge transition for any family. In time, things do fall into a routine, and you will hardly remember when your newborn wasn’t part of the family. Your new big sibling will soon adjust to your growing family and develop a pride in the role of older sibling.

Sarah Lyons is a part-time freelance writer and a full-time mom of six living in Olathe.

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