The Jaded Shopper

Sales.  We all love them and are always on the lookout for them.  So, what do you think constitutes great savings?  15%?  25% ? 50% or more?  Well, there was a time when I thought saving 20% off of my grocery or any other retail purchase was pretty amazing.  However, with the more I learn, it seems the more jaded I have become. 


When I have a week when I spend $ONLY $60 and I saved 25% on my weekly grocery bill.   So what if I can’t spend only $15.00 a week like people I read about.  I am still saving money and that is ALWAYS a good thing.


The same thing happens when I shop at my favorite retailer.  I only shop there when things are marked down 40-50%.  And of course, I don’t shop without a coupon, which gives me at least another 15% off (sometimes as much as 30% off).  So, I normally save 65% when it comes to purchasing clothes for my family. 


When I head to the clearance racks there and see items marked 60% off, I don’t consider it a bargain.  As I walk away, I sometimes shake my head and say “What are you thinking?  60% off is a great deal – even if you don’t have a coupon!  Now turn around and go pick up those shorts or you will kick yourself later.”  Nine times out of ten, I turn around and grab the bargain I nearly passed up.


So, remind yourself that it doesn't matter how much you save. Whether you save 5% or 85% - you still didn’t pay full price.   Sometimes that inner frugal shopper reminds me that I did well.  But, the times when she tries to tell me that I didn’t save QUITE as much as I should have, I just try to shut her up.  It seems chocolate can quiet her quite nicely.

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