'Til Death Do Us Part, Remember?

I have a confession.

My husband and I are both fans of Jon and Kate Plus 8, the sweet reality show turned soap opera.

We think these kids are adorably quirky and down right hilarious, and have been drawn to this unique family since the show started 5 seasons ago. However, with all the recent negative news (most specifically, their announcement to separate), we have found ourselves saying that they should cancel the show to attempt to save their marriage. Thus, we are deeply saddened at where this couple now finds themselves.

We watched the special last night on TLC entitled, "Kate: Her Story." Of course, I hung on to every word Kate spoke, trying her best to answer some very difficult and honest questions, questions that her kids will probably one day ask her.

After the interview, my husband and I spent some time (probably more than we should have) discussing the Gosselins, their future, and more importantly, how they got to where they are right now. It seemed as though they both had given up on their marriage in different ways and at different points, but it was clear that neither believed it was worth fighting for any more.

What happened to those vows..."'Til Death Do Us Part"? Every couple has arguments, disagreements, spats, misunderstandings, whatEVER you want to refer to it as. Every couple experiences stress.....from in-laws, kids, life situations, finances, school, obligations, etc. So, since none of us are perfect and we find ourselves trying to juggle 10 or more things at once and still have a smile on our face, how does your family handle stress? When you and your spouse find yourselves in an argument of some sort, how do you handle the conflict in a way that is conducive to your marriage?

One suggestion I might offer up is prayer. My husband and I find that once we come together in prayer (whether that is for our pride in the situation, for the circumstance itself, or for confession of how we have acted), we find that it is difficult to still be just as fired up as we were 10 minutes prior. Prayer has been a powerful tool for us in combating disagreements, so.....what about you?


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