Tips for Bonding with Long Distance Relatives


My kids can’t just run down the street to Nana’s house for milk and cookies. Luckily, technology enables us to communicate faster and easier with far-flung relatives than ever before. But can kids really build a close relationship with distant relatives? With a combination of new technology, traditional communication, a dose of creativity and some effort—YES… definitely!


Get Creative:

Photo Crafts:

You can stick someone’s face on just about anything these days. Having your mother and mother-in-law staring out from every nook in your house might not sound appealing to you, but it will help your kids learn who these personalities they rarely see are.

We created photo magnets with the kids with close-up pics of relatives. The kids love to match up the grandma with the grandpa and the cousins with their siblings and talk about each person. It also helps when we visit Florida, Chicago or Australia and some excitable family member reaches for them, the kids don’t freak out from stranger danger.


Write a Book:

Start a Book Club:

Reading together, anything from picture books to novels is a great way to foster bonding. Many years ago, I spent a year teaching English in South Korea. At the time, my two kid sisters were 7 and 8 years old. We started reading Harry Potter books over the phone. My whole family got into it. A couple of months after I got home, the first movie was released in theaters, and we all went together.


Recordable Books:

You’ve probably seen recordable books in stores a lot lately. Have your long distance rellies pick one up, record the story and mail it to you. Stick a photo of the reader in the book’s front cover so your kids associate the voice with the face. Or have family members whip up a DVD of themselves reading stories to the kids.


Call, Chat, Connect:

Get on the Horn:

Here are a few tips to make long distance phone calls and web chats easier on kids and relatives.

Social Networking:

It’s free. If you have long distance rellies and you (or they) are not on Skype yet, this must be your first step. Grandparents may not know that phones are for taking photos, videos and texting – according to kids. If they’re slow to jump on board, explain that they’ll learn more about your kid (especially teens and preteens) by trolling through their Facebook page occasionally than they will from a phone call. Add that it’s also faster and easier to view and download your photos.


Yay for Wi-Fi:

Try cooking the same recipe with grandma via Skype or bringing your computer to your child’s school play or dance recital.


Start a Website or Blog:

Create a hub to share your experiences with your family. You can load photos and create a message board. The 6-year-old daughter of one of our KC Mom Bloggers has her own blog.


Old-Fashioned Postage:

Everyone appreciates receiving something other than bills in the mail.

Despite geographic distances, you can help your kids develop close relationships with widely scattered relatives. When your kids do catch up with rellies in person, concentrate on building memories.


Victoria Pressley is a full-time writer, stay-at-home mom and military spouse living in Leavenworth. She is the editor of the upcoming anthology, How to Avoid Murdering Your Mother-in-Law.

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