Updating Your Child's Wardrobe - On a Budget

If you are like me, you blink and your child has outgrown that new pair of shoes or jeans you purchased for them just a month back.  It can get really expensive to outfit your child with clothes -- wether they wear a uniform or not to school.  Not only can it get expensive, it can be pretty stressful.  However, if you and your child work together, you can actually save yourself some money (and maybe even a headache).

Visit on-line swaps.  You might not realize that there clothing swap sites available on-line.  One of them that I'd recommend is ThredUp.  It is basically a forum that you join for free.  You search through the types of clothes that someone wants to get rid of and you pay just a small fee + shipping.  Within a few days your clothes arrive.  You then turn around and list things you no longer need.  Someone will request the box from you and you’ll just package and ship it out to them.    It is a great way to get rid of the clothes you no longer need plus get those you do.


Check out Consignment Sales.  There are many consignment sales taking place all around Kansas City.  This is not only a great way to find new clothes for your own child, but to sell some you have and no longer need.    What a great way to make a little money so you can spend a little.


Shop with your child.  Let’s face it.  Kids know what they want to wear and what they don’t – or more importantly what their friends will and will not wear.  When you shop, make sure that you take your child with you. 

Set up a cost sharing plan.  If you have older children, chances are they have a job (or an allowance) which allows them to make their own money.  You can set up a cost sharing plan, which can help to teach them financial responsiblity while helping you save on clothes.  For instance, they may want a pair of tennis shoes that cost $99, but you are willing to spend only $65.  Let them know that they can have them if you split the cost and they cover the additional $34.  This helps them learn the importance of money and to determine what is worth spending money on – and what is not.

Shop off-season.  Right now you will find summer clothes on clearance at nearly all stores.  Plan ahead and purchase items in the size you believe your child will wear the following season.  When you combine these sales with in-store coupons, it is easy to pick up much needed items for as much as 80% off and more.

By applying a few techniques you can keep your children dressed without making your budget bust at the seams!

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