Valentine’s Day Postmarks

    Having your greeting cards postmarked from Loveland, Valentine, or other holiday-themed communities tells your friends and loved ones that you literally went that extra mile to make this season's greeting special. You can get these postmarks without leaving town.


Just follow these easy steps:

Most cards, if received by post offices by February 1 will be delivered in time for the holiday. The Postal Service recommends that customers refrain from sending empty envelopes. Once postmarked, the individual envelopes are entered into the mail stream for delivery.

List of Holiday Themed Cities in the United States

(*= Special Valentine’s Day Postmark provided in that city):

If you mail it out to Loveland, Colorado the card will receive extra special treatment. Your envelope will be postmarked LOVEland, Colorado and it will also be hand-stamped with a unique four line poem.

The Loveland Chamber of Commerce heads up this yearly romance project with cards going to all 50 states and over 100 foreign countries annually.

It’s simple. Just enclose your pre-addressed, pre-stamped Valentine’s card in a larger envelope and mail to: Postmaster, Attn: Valentines, Loveland CO 80537

The following Cities participate in special Valentine Postmarks:

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