Working Moms Guide to Savvy Shopping

I have officially been a working mom (again) for 3 months now and I feel I have gotten to the point where I have a good groove going both at work and at home.  Of course there are things that I still struggle to find time for (cleaning the house being top on that list), but our family has settled in to our new normal. 

One thing that I have struggled with from the beginning is how to fit savvy shopping into my new life.  When I was a stay at home mom I was WORKING all day, no doubt about it.  Being a stay at home mom is not a vacation, as many of you know!  But I was free to make shopping trips when I wanted and I did have a few hours each week when my kids were in preschool and I was able to shop alone, which is SO much easier when  you are trying to work deals and manage a huge stack of coupons.  When I went back to work full time, that freedom was gone. And I was left wondering how in the world I would ever be able to find the time to devote to couponing/hunting for deals. 

I am happy to say that after much effort and creativity, I have gotten my savvy shopping groove back!!  And I thought I would share with you some of the things I am doing to fit savvy shopping into my working-mom routine. 

I have had to let go of a lot of my old routines, and for the most part it has been a really good thing.  I can still save money for my family without spending as much time working on shopping trips and coupon clipping.  Sure, it's probably never going to be as much as it was before, but I feel like I have a good balance right now.  Hopefully those of you who are working moms or dads who still want to be savvy shoppers will get some inspiration from these tips.  I would love to hear YOUR tips, too!  Are you a couponer with a full time job?  How do you make it work?

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