Earth Day DIY Crayons


This Earth Day we are focusing on reducing, reusing and recycling some of our craft supplies! We have a giant pile of broken and short crayons, which makes this the perfect project for Earth Day! 



  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. 
  2. Remove paper from crayons. 
  3. Cut and break crayons into small pieces. This part was messy, so be prepared with a trash bag! 
  4. Place broken pieces of crayons into silicone mold. We tried a few different amounts of crayons, and you can fill the mold slightly over the top since the crayons will melt down.  
  5. Place silicone mold onto the baking tray and bake for around 12-15 minutes. There are different ways you can finish the crayons. First, you can melt less and leave chunks of crayons. A second option is to melt completely, resulting in the colors’ blending. 
  6. Allow to completely dry. The crayons will be extremely hot, so keep little hands away! Once they are dry, pop out the crayons and get to coloring! 

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer lives in Manhattan, Kansas, with her husband, three children (1, 3 and 5) and two senior dogs. Janelle is mainly a stay-at-home mom in addition to being a mediator at a local counseling center. Janelle loves to focus on learning through play and getting messy with crafts.

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