My Mother's Day Wish

I was in the middle of the cereal aisle when I had the thought. My three children, ages 4, 3 and 1, were with me, which is probably why I had the thought in the first place.

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and I had a wish. This time my husband and kids are off the hook. Instead, I'd like the grocery store to pamper me.


It's simple, really.

All I'd like is for the grocery store (specifically my Hy-Vee) to schedule a few “Mother's Shopping Hours.”

Now, first let me applaud my Hy-Vee for some of the ways it is making my life as a mom easier.

I appreciate the attempt at having a “kid-friendly” checkout lane. Fruit chews, dried fruit and coloring books are a step up from the traditional junk found and kid-level while you wait in line.

Also, I like the little cleaning wipes by the front door. It's nice to know that I can have a somewhat sanitary grocery cart handle for my toddler to chew on, because no matter how hard I try to stop her, she is going to chew on it.

My children really enjoy the horse ride at the front of the store. I'm thankful that tokens are provided for us so I don't have to either refuse my children a ride or frantically dig in my wallet for a quarter.

Oh, and though it isn't specifically kid-related, I like the handwritten poster on the entrance asking me, “Have you remembered your reusable bags?” It's isn't Hy-Vee's fault that I probably haven't and I likely won't be returning to the van with all three children in tow just to grab the bags. I still appreciate the effort to make life a little greener.

Finally, though I could go on, aside from my beloved Chick-fil-A, Hy-Vee has the friendliest customer service around. May I just say thanks to them for ignoring my children when they are having meltdowns as I try to pay for my groceries. More importantly, I'm thankful they acknowledge my children when they are trying to help mommy.

Okay, so I realize I may be being a little greedy considering all that this grocery store already does, but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?

All I'm asking for are a few hours during the week that are specifically designated for moms to shop. I'd only ask for a few things to make these hours both mom and child-friendly.

First, I'd ask them to please hide away the firetruck, bus, car, etc. carts. Yes, they are cute, and yes, the kids love them, but have you ever tried to maneuver one in a crowded store? It's not easy. It's especially not easy if your energetic children are forever trying to climb on top of the roof of the firetruck or bus. (Hypothetically speaking, of course.)

Next, I'd kindly request that they replace the free cookies at the bakery with carrots, string cheese, or hey, even nothing. My kids will survive, or I'll pack a snack. Right now, they know that the cookies are there for the taking. Sure, I sometimes tell them no, but that doesn't make anyone's shopping trip more enjoyable. It would just be so much easier if they just weren't there. (It's the same reason I don't put tortilla chips in my pantry, but I digress.)

Finally, my only other request would be a checkout lane with, get this, NOTHING. Truly, once my kids have successfully made it through the store, it isn't kind to them or me to taunt them with treats as they patiently wait for the clerk to scan our purchases. Surely one empty checkout lane wouldn't financially hurt the store.

There you have it-- my Mother's Day wish.

If you soon see a mom with three small children who are covered in cookie crumbs and climbing all over a cute, though not practical, grocery cart, you'll know it didn't come true.

So, what what would you like for Mother's Day?

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