A Father’s Love: Good Fathers—Good Families—Great Kids


Parenting is often defined in terms of a mother’s love. That is because, in most cases, mothers are the primary caregivers. But what about a father’s love? In days past, the father’s role in the family was that of breadwinner. He went to work, ate dinner, relaxed, and prepared for following day. He spent very little time parenting his children. That was then, and this is now. My how things have changed.

Today, unlike the days when father knew best, there is no typical family structure. This once traditional unit now runs a wide gamut. There are just as many single parent families as there are two parent families. In most two parent families, both father and mother work. Although many families choose to have only one parent work, it is not always the father.

The fluid nature of modern family life often leaves men confused about their role as fathers. This confusion is compounded by the fact that a great many men have no role model. Their fathers were either of the traditional ilk or their childhood family structure was poles apart from the one they live in today. While everything may seem a bit topsy- turvy, there is one fact that still holds true. Fathers have a strong impact on their children, and there are reams of research to prove it.

What We Know



School Age Children


Character Development

Caron Goode (EdD) is the author of ten books and the founder of the Academy for Coaching Parent, (ACPI.biz), a training program for parents.

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