What's Your June in KC IQ?


1. Jazzoo, hosted on June 1, is the Kansas City Zoo’s largest fundraiser and helps feed and care for how many animals?

a) 1,000+          b) 2,200+             c) 1,700+              d) 1,400+

2. June is National Rose Month. How many varieties of roses grow in Loose Park at 51st & Wornall?

b) 168                 b) 215                    c) 73                       d) 112

3. On June 1, Missouri’s Town of Kansas, named in honor of the Kansa Indians who inhabited the area, was incorporated and granted a charter by Jackson County in this year:

a) 1820               b) 1865                 c) 1870                  d) 1850

4. Summer officially begins on:

a) June 1           b) June 15            c) June 30            d) June 21

5. June 1 is Donut Day. Ray Lamar, founder of Kansas City’s LaMar’s donuts, began his donut career at Jack Frost Donuts Company in 1933. How much did a dozen donuts cost at that time?

a) 50 cents       b) 18 cents          c) 25 cents          d) 10 cents

6. Fruit picking is a favorite summer tradition for families. This fruit is ready to pick mid-June:

a) strawberries              b) blueberries   c) peaches          d) apples





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