5 Things We Love Right Now


Frothed Milk

I’m pretty particular about how I enjoy my morning cup of coffee. So much so that I carry packets of sweetener with me for when I’m out in case the establishment I’m visiting doesn’t carry my preferred brand. But sometimes I like to get fancy and mix it up a bit. To add a bit of coffeehouse fun to my home brew, I’ll froth up some milk (for an extra yummy treat, use Shatto coffee-flavored milk). The Bodum Schiuma frother is a handy and inexpensive tool that gets the job done quickly and perfectly each time! Target.com


Strip Lights

Both of my girls recently painted and redecorated their rooms, and they both wanted strands of lights to run across the top of their walls. I wasn’t sure how this was going to work, but we ordered the lights, they arrived, and now I understood how it works. You just peel and hang—so simple and fun! (Note: the sticky stuff is super strong and pulls paint off, so hang in the right place the first time.) The lights, controlled by a remote, have all sorts of colors and settings. Our hallway does look a little like a rave when both girls have the lights on at night, but they’re a fun way for them to personalize their living space!  Amazon.com


Sunflower Butter

My younger has a peanut allergy, so no peanut butter for us. We’ve sampled many different types of nut butter and have landed on sunflower butter as our nut butter of choice. We have our favorite brand that we keep on hand, but recently tried Once Again’s organic sunflower butter. It’s super yummy and just the right consistency and flavor. We like to add it to smoothies and oatmeal for an extra kick of protein and often eat it just by itself on a rice cake for a quick snack. Available at natural grocers and online at Buy.OnceAgainNutButter.com.

Takeout Dining Book

You’ve seen me write about the Brunch Book and the Open Belly Book in this spot, and now Give & Partake, the group behind both of those books, launches the Give & ParTakeout Book. The idea behind it is to support local spots by purchasing a takeout meal at a venue featured in the book (without a discount), but at the time of purchase, you receive a stamp that gives a $10 credit for your next dine-in meal at the establishment. A way to support a business now and receive a bonus on a future visit! GiveAndPartake.com

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

A friend on Facebook shared a post about what fun her family had playing Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, so I got on Amazon, ordered and scheduled a family game night. It’s a card game with only a few rules, but it brought lots of laughs. The funniest part was the fact that my older couldn’t get the hang of it and was getting very flummoxed. The more confused she got, the more I laughed. We played again with cousins of all ages, and everyone enjoyed! Be prepared for some sore hands from slapping cards, but also be prepared to have lots of fun! Amazon.com


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