SEA LIFE Kansas City Animals Predict 2024 Super Bowl Winner

The countdown is on until the big game this Sunday and some of the animals at SEA LIFE Aquarium Kansas City are sharing how they are cheering on our home team!

Hundreds of fish including Zebra Sharks, Rescued Green Sea Turtles, and Cownose Stingrays got to join the celebration as two members of the SEA LIFE Dive Team swam through the Ocean Exhibit with a ‘Run it Back’ flag earlier this week.

Southern Stingrays and Weedy Sea Dragons got the chance to cast their vote between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers for who will be victorious on Sunday. Both team logos were placed in the Southern Stingray’s typical feeding spot, so all they had to do was choose which team to grab their lunch from, and the Chiefs came out on top!

Helmets representing both teams were submersed in the Weedy Sea Dragon exhibit at SEA LIFE, and the Dragons showed off their KC pride by only staying on the side of the exhibit with the Chiefs helmet above them. Even when switching the placement of the helmets, the Dragons remained loyal by only siding with the Chiefs.

SEA LIFE Kansas City’s creatures are 1-0 with recent Super Bowl picks, and they hope their winning record will double this weekend as they cheer on Kansas City in the big game!

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