
We have reached the point with our nearly 17 month old daughter that at times, carrying around the diaper bag feels like the extra, unnecessary suitcase that should have been left at home for the vacation. I used to need all those pockets and extra storage space for so many things that a newborn required. Now, as long as I've got a couple of diapers and wipes, that's all she really needs.

My friend dropped off her son a few weeks ago at my house for me to watch, and I noticed that she seemed to walk into my house with ease and comfort. She was even carrying her son, but still she seemed lighter, quicker, as if she had lost 10 pounds. Even better than losing a few extra unwanted pounds is losing the diaper bag! That was it! She had traded in the old diaper bag for the necessities - diapers and wipes - and it was in a cute carrying case that made it all the more desirable.

This peaked my interest of course. I did some searching around online, and there are all sorts of places to purchase a diapers and wipes case. I went to a favorite website of mine, This website  adverstises, "Your place to buy and sell all things handmade." I found a great seller on there that had tons of fabric option and reasonable prices, and just yesterday, my dipaers and wipes case arrived!

It can hold 3-4 diapers as well as a travel case of wipes (the one you would normally carry in that awfully big diaper bag). The one I ordered also has a pouch on the outside, where you could place a bottle of Desitin or powder, or even another diaper if you needed it.

This case is great for a quick run out, going to church, running to a friend's house for a playdate, or any other 2 hour or so errand. You just bring what you need, and you don't have a lot of extra baggage to carry around. For any moms out there who are at that transition stage of your baby becoming a toddler, consider downsizing to just a diapers and wipes case. It's a great change.....and it's also a fashionable one!

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