Positive Thoughts on Snow

    Well, the snow has been around for nearly two weeks.  Our front yard is sporting a snow fort and a snow man.  Various bits of winter outerwear are hanging up to dry.  I’ve gotten a good workout by helping little ones in and out snow clothes many times.  In short, I’ve had my fill of snow for the time being.  Unfortunately, the weather report disagrees.

     As I write this, the Kansas City area is predicted to get more snow.  On top of that we’re supposed to encounter strong winds causing some blizzard-like conditions.  Oh joy.  However, I’m not going to join the masses who are bemoaning the snow.  I’m quite tempted to do so, but it seems too early in the year to be so negative. Instead, I’m going to share my top ten list of things I like about snow.  Here goes nothing…

1.       Snow is pretty.  What else can single-handedly make my toy-and-dog-mess covered backyard look so pristine?

2.       On the occasion that the temperature is actually near freezing, rather than somewhere in the single digits, it’s quite fun to play in the snow.

3.       Snow days.  (I loved these both as a student and a teacher.  I have no doubt I’ll love them when my kids are in school and I have an excuse to spend the extra time with them.)

4.       Wintry weather is the perfect excuse for an all-day movie marathon.

5.       It is also the perfect excuse to drink copious amounts of hot chocolate.

6.       The excitement of children waking up to fresh snow is contagious.

7.       Snow and slush constantly being tracked onto my floor is the perfect excuse not to mop.

8.       Inclement weather is also a great excuse for canceling dreaded errands or appointments.

9.       Is there anything cuter than a small child bundled up in a snow suit, hat, mittens, and boots?

10.   Finally, and most importantly, it melts!

What do you like about snow?  Stay warm out there!

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