Snow Names


Have a little time over Winter Break? Instead of bringing the real snow inside this time, use marshmallows as pretend tiny snowballs to practice their names, shapes, number or letters!!  This cute and yummy craft will help your kids focus on learning while having lots of fun!  Simple crafts like this are the ones my kids will spend the longest on! 


  1. Paper
  2. Marker
  3. Bag of mini marshmallows


  1. Draw out your design.  If your child is older, this is a great time to practice having them write their name or draw their own design!
  2. Line the tiny snowball marshmallows up along each letter of their name.
  3. Repeat with other designs.

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer lives in Manhattan, Kansas with her husband, 3 children, 2 dogs, 8 fish and a frog. Janelle is the owner of Flint Hills Mediation, LLC. Janelle loves to focus on learning through play and getting messy with crafts.

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