We still have over a month until Christmas, but NOW is the time to start thinking about sending out holiday greetings to your friends and families. Christmas and Holiday cards are a wonderful tradition that allows us all to keep in touch with one another over the years. It's so nice to see a photo of an old classmate with their new baby or read about a your second cousin's wonderful European vacation. But as we all know, those greetings can be VERY expensive! By time you buy the cards, print the photos, put an address label and stamp on each one, and get them in the mail, a big chunk of your holiday budget could be missing. But there ARE ways to save! Here are a few cheaper ways to spread holiday cheer.
1. Skip the printed cards and send out an e-Greeting. A friend of mine did this last year and I thought it was a great idea. Type up your standard holiday letter, add a few photos, get creative with a background design or some clip art and email it out to your Christmas Card list. Sure, it's not quite as personal or tangible as an actual card in the mail, but the sentiment is the same and in this day of financial hardship for so many, I think this is a great way to cut back during the holidays.
2. Check out Hallmark's new Holiday Card service. For as low as $.39/card (for postcard designs like these), you can choose a card design, personalize it with your message and photos, and Hallmark will address and mail the cards to your list of recipients! Talk about EASY and such a great deal! And, if you spend at least $30, you can get 30% off your order with the code HOLIDAY30.
3. Get in on some freebies! Vistaprint has a ton of great products to help you get your holiday cards out for less. You can get adorable return address labels for FREE (just pay shipping) through this link.
Just click on the link to address labels on the bottom left side and you can choose from a ton of great holiday designs including the ones that I got...cute family caricatures that you design yourself. Then click on this link
to get 50% off holiday cards through Vistaprint...get 4x6 photo cards for as low as $.39 each!
Or, go here and order 50 4x8 photo cards, use code newbaby and get the 50 cards for FREE with free shipping!
4. Make your own! If your list isn't terribly long, you may want to enlist your kids' help and make your own Holiday Cards. A little construction paper, glue, glitter, and markers and you are all set! If you need a little creative direction...check out these adorable thumbprint reindeer cards...so adorable!