To know me is to know that I love the great outdoors. I love it in a “let’s enjoy a leisurely dinner on the patio” kind of way as opposed to the “let’s pack up and spend the night in a tent without any facilities” kind of way. My girls, however, did not get the message and have a great desire to go camping. I’ve been able to hold them off for the time being, but I know my excuses are running thin. I think Sara Keenan’s article on backyard camping may hold the solution for us all!
Speaking of the great outdoors, the Summer Olympics begin later this month in London. Are you and your family going to watch? I know the Sarver family will be cheering on team USA in all of the summer events. Jennifer Higgins shares some great ideas for games and crafts which you and your kids can enjoy as you watch along with the world this summer.
July is an important month in my life. Sixteen years ago on July 13, I became a wife, and 11 years ago on July 19, I became a mom. I am blessed beyond measure with a terrific husband and not one but two terrific daughters. To Ty, Happy Anniversary! Thanks for choosing me to take this journey with you. And to Tori, Happy Birthday! You are a constant source of joy and pride, and I love you more every day!
And to you, KC parents, enjoy the month of July with your family! So much to do and see…get out and have some fun!