How will I know when I’m in labor? This question was in the forefront of my mind throughout my pregnancy. I feared I wouldn’t be able to tell when I was in labor and would end up getting to the hospital just in the nick of time (or, in some nightmares, not at all). I read as much as I could on the signs of labor so that I would hopefully be able to tell when the real deal had begun. Turns out there’s really no mistaking those contractions and pain. With each daughter, I knew when I was in labor and made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare.
Labor and delivery are a big unknown and can seem daunting your first time through (and your second or third time as well!). Knowing that this can be a topic of stress for many parents, we’ve put together a “labor and delivery” issue for you. Before labor hits, you’ll want to read Jennifer Duxbury’s article in which she dispels some myths and misconceptions associated with labor. Olathe mom Christa Hines provides some great delivery information in her article on c-sections vs. vaginal deliveries, another must-read before baby arrives. I think all moms will enjoy reading about Lenexa mom Amanda Doll’s recent stay in the hospital after giving birth and how she used her time there as a mini-spa vacation. I love her positive attitude!
Warmer temps have finally arrived in Kansas City and not a moment too soon! The Play Dates section of our calendar has terrific ideas for you and your little ones, while the Parents’ Night Out section has suggestions for a night out with your honey (sans kids!).
Enjoy getting outdoors with your little ones!