It’s Rapidly Becoming the Computer Homework World
Parents: Pencil and paper homework is becoming extinct for students as early as second grade. The computer is rapidly becoming the major tool for doing homework. By sixth grade, students do almost all homework on the computer in many schools. One thing that hasn’t changed about homework, though, is students’ view that homework isn’t fun. And another is all the time that students have to spend doing homework—even if they are doing it on the computer.
The Right Amount of Homework
The accepted guideline approved by the National PTA and National Education Association and researchers in this area is spending 10 minutes a night per each grade level. Thus, the second grader should be spending no more than 20 minutes nightly, and the high school senior up to two hours. If your children are going wildly over these suggested time limits, it is time for a talk with their teachers. Is a teacher making too time-consuming assignments? Are the assignments too difficult for your children? What help is needed to get homework time to a reasonable level? We have just discovered an interesting fact: Around the world, 15-year-olds spend about an hour a day less on homework than students in our country. And, surprisingly, students of this age in Finland and Singapore spend two to three hours a week on homework while scoring higher on international tests of achievement.
The Pros and Cons of Homework
In the primary grades especially, and even in elementary school, homework shows very little benefit. According to many studies, the students who get the biggest benefit from homework are high schoolers, and there are some benefits for middle schoolers. The pros of homework include promoting higher achievement and better study skills. Plus, homework can give parents insight into what their children are learning through conversations, as well as observing some of their work. There are definitely cons to homework, though. It turns some children away from academics. It also can limit the time children have with their families, as well as the time children have for activities and leisure.
The Benefits of Online Assignments
A great number of you experienced having your children do all their schoolwork online during the pandemic. The younger your children were, the more likely it was close to an educational disaster that put them behind in their learning. Thankfully, the story is not the same for children who are now in class and doing much of their homework on computers. One minor benefit is that students no longer have to lug around a lot of books and notebooks. There are several major benefits too. One, of course, is having access to just about anything that they want to know about on the web. Solid help is also available when students write essays or reports through the grammar and spelling programs all computers have. Other helpful features are all the practice worksheets that let them strengthen basic math skills. And when students are completely baffled about how to handle an assignment, good help is available at reliable websites. Plus, students can often receive immediate and personal feedback from their teachers on the assignments that they complete online instead of waiting for papers to be returned or a general class discussion of homework assignments. There also is the added benefit of enhancing their computer skills, giving them an easier transition into today’s work world.
Benefits of computer homework accrue to both teachers and parents. On the practical side, teachers no longer have to print reams of worksheets for their students, and teachers can expand the range of activities beyond those that can be given on paper. They also can vary assignments to meet the needs of individual students, and they can see at once where students have problems and give them immediate feedback.
Teachers can share their students’ online homework assignments with parents, letting them see exactly how well their children are handling the content and skills. Parents can also easily communicate their concerns about problems their children are having with homework and expect quick feedback.
The Downsides of Computer Homework
Unfortunately, there are some downsides to computer homework. Many students cannot resist the temptation while they are online of checking to see what their friends and classmates are doing on popular social media. Others can be tempted to play games. These actions can definitely disrupt the time they should be spending on their homework assignments.
Another very unfortunate aspect to doing homework on the computer is the ability students have to get answers to almost any homework question. While some websites and tutors provide a helpful road to doing an assignment, others will simply do the work for the students. Of serious concern are the sites students can find where reports and essays and even projects can be done for them.
Parental Awareness Is Important
If parents have their children do computerized homework assignments in an area where they can observe the screens, they have a better chance of keeping their students on task. And they also need to take a look at their children’s online homework from time-to-time to ensure it is truly their children’s own work.
Parents should send questions and comments to and visit the website to learn more about helping their children succeed in school. ©Compass Syndicate Corporation, 2023
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