Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad: Saying Goodbye to Summer on Labor Day Weekend
Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad 200 SE 5th St, Abilene, Kansas

Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau
Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad's Smoky Valley Limited
A beef brisket dinner on the Smoky Valley Limited!
Labor Day is the last of the summer holidays! And the A&SV's Smoky Valley Limited presents the first of two great summer cookout trains. On Saturday, August 31 the Smoky Valley Limited and chef Lucinda Kohman of Lucinda's Katering in Abilene present homegrown Kansas beef brisket, cheesy potatoes, and seasoned green beans, with tossed salad, rolls and butter; and for dessert, another Kansas tradition: apple pie. Iced tea and water will accompany the meal. Enjoy this great meal as you dine in air-conditioned comfort while riding through the Smoky Hill River Valley in our antique passenger coaches. Your two-hour dining adventure begins at 6:00 p.m. when our train leaves Abilene's 1887 Rock Island Depot. Reserved your seats today!